Wednesday 22 June 2011

Salmon meets Coconut. It's a happy union.

I love coming up with new things to make; mixing new flavors together and seeing what happens. This is why two of my totally amazing friends gave me this super sweet chef's hat for my birthday. Pretty awesome, if you ask me! And, total bonus, it's a real one too!

Trying to replicate things from restaurants is always a fun part of cooking. Sometimes, this works horribly. Take the time that I tried to do an eggplant parmesan thing that JP and I had had at some place or another. Good lord, I couldn't even swallow one bite. Neither could JP, and that is saying something, cause he tries to eat whatever I put in front of him. Now, in contrast, take the dinner that I made tonight. JP and I love those little Coconut Prawns that you can get at the cheesy seafood places. You know the ones; super crunchy and salty that you dip in that really sweet honey mustard sauce? Yeah, those! So anyways, we just love those little guys! In a quest to replicate the taste, but give it more substance than just a few little prawns, I thought I would give it a shot on some salmon.

So, I grabbed everything I thought I would need (this based purely on nothing more than my imagination, by the way). This included mustard and honey, of course, but then I let my mind wander to Asia. What would they use? What I came up with would surely enrage my friend Princess, who happens to be from China, but I would wager a bet that she would forgive me when she tried the dinner. Surprise ingredient of the night? Allspice. Yeup. Allspice. So, I mixed everything all up in a bowl, then made JP come and try it, to see if it tasted alright.

I always make him come taste things, just to make sure it isn't poison. I am confident that this is the right choice. So, on to some waiting salmon filets, and into a hot oven they went. I would show you this, but I forgot to take a picture, on account of how excited I was for dinner. Seriously, the topping was good enough to just eat straight. I had to take that spoon away from JP. Once they popped out, a mere 15 minutes later, I was thrilled and delighted. This was on two accounts. One, the smell in my apartment was to die for. I half expected to have my neighbors knock down my door for this one. The other reason was simply, well, just look at them! Wow!

Here; have a closer look! Just look at that color! The little crispy brown bits of coconut might have been my favorite.

Ah, hell, get even closer! Aren't you sad you can't smell that?? Yummers!!

Serve it up with simple sides. You want the salmon to be the stand out on this dinner. I went for lemon cous cous with peas and some spinach and onions sautéed with some soy sauce.

This dinner is so simple and easy to make. Add the bonus of the fact that I whipped the whole thing up in under 30 minutes, fridge to plate, and you have yourself a winner! Love it!

xoxo Craig

Keep reading for the recipe.
Honey Mustard and Coconut Glazed Salmon

What you need:
  • 2 salmon filets
  • 1 teaspoon wholegrain mustard
  • 2 teaspoons dijon mustard
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1 taplespoon olive oil
  • a few splashes of soy sauce
  • pinch of allspice
  • 1/3 cup shredded coconut
  • salt and pepper (about a teaspoon of each)
Preheat the oven to 400ºF (200ºC). Meanwhile, mix together the mustards, lemon, honey, olive oil, soy sauce, allspice and the salt and pepper. Once blended, mix in the coconut. Spoon over the salmon filets. Bake on a center rack for about 15 minutes, until the top of the salmon is nice and brown.


kcm said...

Yes. Will do.

P.S. that chef's hat looks awesome on you!

Craig said...

K- Thanks! I was so excited to get the hat! JP now laughs at me cause i really do wear it when I cook! Let me know how your salmon turns out!