Thursday 2 June 2011

Only below the Mason-Dixon Line

So, as I may have mentioned in my last post, I love being a Southerner. Even if I am not a true Tarheel like my younger sister and brother; theirs is just a mere distinction of having the good fortune of being born in North Carolina. Lucky buggers. There are many things that I love about the South, and not all of them have to do with whistlin' dixie. Which is fine and all, if you can whistle...

The people. Southerners are know for their warm hospitality and politeness. There are always people waving at you, or offering you something to drink or eat when you stop by. There are always verandahs to be sat on, and people still hold the door for you. Even when someone is talked bad about, it is always prefaced with "Well, bless their heart, but..."just to make it less insulting. You know what else Southerners are know for? Their smiles. Just look at JP's Auntie B! I love it!

Then there is the food. This is one of my big reasons that I love being a Southerner. There is so much good food! That doesn't mean that the food is always good for you, but that is totally beside the point. The portions are huge, the flavors are complex, and did I mention the huge portions? It is astonishing that JP and I have managed survive with our waistlines in tact.  Want to see a lunch sized portion of some of the best pulled pork in the world? Let me show you.

And thats just one option!  You could always have the tried and true Fried Chicken with all the fixin's... and Brunswick Stew...

See that massive jug of a cup in the upper left corner? Yeah, that's just a regular Sweet Tea. There is a larger option.

Then of course, there is the fact that when ever you sit down at a good barbeque joint, they almost instantly serve the table things to munch on while you order and wait for your food. Like Cracklin and Hush Puppies. Perfect!

We love these things. Lots. Just look at JP's face!

Then there is a personal favorite of mine. I have been unable to find this anywhere outside of the South, and that makes me very very sad. I was thinking that I could just whip it up here in Sydney, you know, show the Aussies what it's all about and stuff. But, no. I can't manage to find the main ingredient anywhere... it looks like I am going to have to grow them myself. Just for a good ol Fried Green Tomato.

So, yes. I love the food, and I love the people. Basically, I love the South. Somehow, even though I suspect that my parents tried to prevent it, it has gotten into my blood. So come and visit; sit with us for a spell. Maybe have a nice cold glass of Sweat Tea, and stay for dinner. Then sit back, relax, and loosen that belt, cause you gonna need to after a proper dinner!

Ya'll just make sure and come on back now for a visit, ya hear?

xoxo Craig


kcm said...

oh... sweet tea.... pulled pork... hushpuppies....

God, I'm hungry. Is it wrong to go get fried chicken for breakfast?



Casey said...

i might commit a crime to eat a good fried green tomato. And i love that in the south we give no disclaimer warning that you might die of a heart attack after consuming pretty much any true southern meal!

Anonymous said...

This is my favorite of your blog posts!