Tuesday 13 September 2011

Taco flavored kisses.

I love Mexican food. So does JP. One of the downsides of living in Sydney is the proximity to good Mexican. It is much easier to find in North Carolina than it is here. I know this is a shocker, cause Sydney is kind of a huge city and all, but believe me. It's true.

So recently, JP and I, in our hunt for delicious Mexican, stumbled upon a place that surprisingly, is right near our apartment. I mean, right near it. And, it's totally delicious! Hooray! Huzzah! The host and waiters now recognize us. We found it a month ago. We may have a problem. 

Anyways, the other night we went out for dinner with our good friends C and J. You may remember C and J from this post here. Say hi, boys! They love good food as much as we do. You can tell by the way they didn't notice I was taking this picture.

So we happily ordered our delicious food. I got Fajitas. Yum. I love fajitas. 

Then we even more happily ordered our margaritas. Then some more margaritas. Then, maybe one more pitcher of margaritas after that...

Then the best part. Well, one of the best parts. I got my very first food present since I started this blog! Take a look at that!

Look closer! It's the world's tiniest bottle of Tabasco sauce! 

Thanks boys! It's things like this that make me love yas!!



kcm said...

Awesome! When I lived in Sydney in 1999 the only Mexican I could find (and trust me, I looked hard) was a weird little shack off of Oxford St. called "Mexican and Kebab."

Thank God the city seems to be learning.

Craig said...

Yea thank god for the learning curve! That place just sounds like food poising on a plate! I don't think it is around anymore... all the kebab places seem to be turning to 'Kebab and Pizza that sat there for 36 hours' places...