Tuesday 18 October 2011

Something smells a bit fishy...

Hello my darlings! So, this weekend, I did something totally crazy. Granted, that crazy thing was number one on my "Things to do while I live in Australia" list. But still. It was crazy. And it was epic. And I want to do it again.

So, to start the trip, I dragged my dear friend C all the way out to Port Lincoln in South Australia. It's tiny, in case you were wondering, and pretty far away from Sydney. But, it also happens to be one of the best places to do such crazy antics like what I talked C into doing with me.

So, here's a hint.

Need another one?

Getting warmer...

Well, actually, getting very much colder... That water was like ice!

AHHH! Yes, that is correct my darlings! We went diving with Great White Sharks!! And let me tell you, this was easily one of the coolest things I have ever ever ever done in my life!

These things are HUGE, like on a whole other level! But, they are also amazing creatures. And, shockingly graceful. And, they are some hungry buggers, let me tell you. At least we had that in common, right?

And of course, a very special thank you to C, for being game enough to join me on my whirlwind Shark Diving Adventurama. Total gem, this one. 


1 comment:

~jp said...

At least you came back with all your arms and legs... and most of your toes. I guess that one little piggy went to the market for the last time.