Tuesday 31 May 2011

Some days, you just can't care.

Some nights, you just can't be bothered to cook. I mean, really. Some nights, your heart just isn't in it. This coming from the man that loves to cook. But, I have good reason. I swear!! You see, most of the time, Sydney looks like this:

Even in the winter, most days are just like this, albeit a bit cooler than in the summers. On days like this, its no big deal to run to the shops and grab things for dinner. It's a joy really, walking around in weather like that. But today. Today, well... not so much. Today, well... Sydney looked like this:

On days like this, who can blame me for not wanting to go to the store, then drag the food home?? I would have had to practically swim to get to the grocer! Not happening, no way, sorry. 

So, for dinner, I got to treat JP and myself to one of my very favorite dinners: Japanese Noodles, or Ramen. Now, before we moved to Sydney, I pretty much thought ramen noodles where those little 99¢ packets of stale noodles that you eat in college. Nope, not so! It is actually totally amazing, with many different flavors and styles. We love it. Lots.

So, instead of making dinner, we decided to swim across the park to our favorite noodle house, Ichiban Boshi for a little hot noodle soup. Our favorite is a very spicy version of the soup, with minced pork. See how much I love it?

So yeah, totally not sorry for not cooking. It was worth it. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go wring myself out...


Renny said...

Hot soup on a rainy day... no need to justify that! I like the photo of cloudy Sydney.

Also, you should check out MY brother's travel blog: http://www.kellerscogitations.blogspot.com/

kcm said...

god i miss good asian food. austin, austin, hear my cry.

Craig said...

thanks renny! wish i could take credit for the nasty sydney photo, but it came from one of the cameras on top of the ferry docks

thanks also for your bro's blog... it looks cool!